Sunday, March 14, 2010

New life observations....

Anyone who has lived in Knysna (or anywhere along the SA coastline) is familiar with strange weather patterns. And Austin is no different. It can be cold (freezing!) one day and then sunshine and mid 20's the next day. We have been blessed with a couple days of glorious spring weather (although they say the cold is coming again before spring is well and truly sprung.)

So those in Knysna are familiar with the sunny day phenomenon.  And what does Knysna do? Takes to the great outdoors. They flock to the beaches, hit the forest on their mountain bikes, hit the road in their running shorts. George Rex is an obstacle course with all this great outdoor activity. It is a sight to behold. The lagoon looks like it has been attacked by locusts.

And what do they do here....take their cars to the car wash. It is truly a phenomenon to behold. After days of being stuck indoors - is it really top priority to spend the sunshine soaping down your ridiculously large people carrier? I see them lining up in rows at the car wash - sun blazing down and wonder if their can't be a better way to spend your time. Those of you who have that strange love for motor vehicles - may understand the dedication a little more than me...and I might get it too if I thought it was out of respect for the machine. But these sparkly clean cars get driven home and left out in the driveway for the rest of the day - because (and this is observation number 2) American garages are not used for housing cars!

I am not sure what they are used for - I have made some interesting observations to date, some seem to house a large number of tools, sports equipment, boxes (I have no idea what is in these boxes)....but all this does help me understand the concept of a garage sale! I have seen some housing big screen televisions, sofa's and beer fridges - I guess so the whole neighbourhood can share the joy of seeing you watch you favourite show with the garage door open...this festivity often spews out into the street...but that is another post.... (Texas Football....what is this strange orange phenomenon!)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Re-thinking this blog thing...

Okay - so this blogging thing gets harder - not easier. I cannot tell you how many times I have sat down to start a new post - and just been overwhelmed with where to start. I finally realise that it is impossible to give an honest summary of this time in our lives - our attitude seems to change from day to day - and there seems to be so little real news to report that the whole concept of an update seems ridiculous. So I am going to attempt a new strategy......and will update you on our observations of life in the USA ...and more specifically life in Texas - because it is so drastically different to life in Knysna.  I find myself constantly pondering on how we so-called  'civilised' people can have so many different ways of going about normal life. Plus we figure it is mostly South African's (and Zimbabweans) reading this blog - so you might enjoy the observations.

But before I get that going - I think you all deserve a brief status report on the Crow family.
1. We are living in Kyle, Texas (just South of Austin - the Capital - and a really cool city!)
2. We are living in our own place, a 2 bedroom apartment with borrowed furniture and no TV (not a big deal to us but seems to be a big deal to most people we meet - so thought it might be important enough to include)
3. We have a new car - a second hand Honda Accord that is great - but the logistics have been a nightmare....more in another post.
4. Quincy has a part time job at a large retail home improvement store - not the dream job we moved across the globe for...but we still trusting that will come. For now we have an income - and Quincy is learning some great skills.
5. Ezra is great. He is getting so big - walking, discovering, saying a few words, signing tons (worth the effort new Moms and Mom's to be!) We have joined a great Moms Group that  meet up for play dates and fun field trips.
6. We have had some great times connecting with Quincy's old friends (they're not old...not any older than us...just friends from BW...before Wendy)
7. The economic crisis is way worse than we thought - and Americans are way more negative than we anticipated.
8. Obama is not nearly as popular here as he is there
9. I am already going off track
10. To summarise...we making progress, getting settled, but this is so much harder than we thought it would be - there are days when we ready to give up, days when we try hard to remember what we came here for, and days when we don't even know how to verbally express what we feeling. But we're learning lessons, we're learning the meaning of family and learning to find out how the three of us can stand together on our own. We are team Crow  - and we are strong!

Love you all...look out for our take on life in Texas

 Wendy and the boys

11. We miss home a lot!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Texas calling

So Quincy left this morning for Texas. It is a long day of driving so please keep him in prayer - keep us all in prayer as we start getting our family settled. Quincy has a big week of apartment hunting - furniture moving - and starting the job. It already feels strange to be separated from him - we have never spent this much time apart....neither Quincy and I - or Quincy and there is no telling how we will all deal with it. One day at a time I guess....that's how this journey has been so far....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New year!

As 2010 dawns on us  - the Crow family make plans to move on (again) We do hope we not continuing the trend of 2009 - as we all agree there were too many moves last year...I fear Ezra thinks we lead a nomadic lifestyle!

But this move hopefully comes with some opportunity and thereby leads to some sense of stability. Quincy has an offer for some part time retail work back in Austin, TX. It may not be what we had in mind when we left SA - but it does provide us with the opportunity get a home of our own and start putting down some meager roots. And we have to trust that that is Provision. So we now eagerly researching rental opportunities - and hope to update soon with pics of our very first home on US soil.

We have a had a good time in Phoenix - and find it a much friendlier place to visit in the winter. Christmas was awesome with the kids - they really add to the excitement of the season. Ezra will no doubt miss the energy of having his cousins around everyday. But Quincy and I are excited about the opportunities that await us in Austin - and are trusting that we following on a path planned out for us!

We wish you all a wonderful new year - may 2010 be filled with adventure, friends and family.Please keep us updated!

All our love
The 'ever flying' Crow's

Friday, December 18, 2009

Phoenix Rising

Well we've moved on....-Said a long goodbye to Texas as we took a 17 hour road trip and are now in Phoenix Arizona with my brother and his family. We plan to stay with them through the holidays and trust that the new year will bring clarity on where God plans for us to settle.

It's great to see Ezra with his cousins - he's so very close to walking and in the words of his cousin Ethan "he will leave this house walking, for sure!" I think we're in for some fun times over the next couple weeks.

Quincy and I are well - I think the initial anxiety we were feeling has calmed - and we're slowly settling with the fact that we can't make things happen quicker than God plans for them. We knew as we were planning this move that it would be an enormous lesson in faith - and trusting in God's providence....and we're learning quick and fast! We continue to pray though it all - we pray for work, for a home of our own, but mostly that we would be aware and ready to accept the opportunity when HE make it known to us.

I know I am having a tough time with the fact the we never get to spend much time tackling these issues together - you would think with us both unemployed - there would be plenty time to contemplate the meaning of life - but our lives seem busier that ever. I think it might be the craziness of the holiday season - and also trying to help out with kids, shopping and chores as a grateful thank you to our generous hosts! That's life I guess.

But we stay positive - we knew this would be tough - and we accept it as a time of growth with amazing opportunities coming our way.

We miss our friends - and know have been terrible communicators - but hope as you read this you will know we love you! Please keep us updated on all your news. And we trust all those in SA are having  a glorious summer. (Ezra misses the beach!)

Much love, Wendy and the Crow Boys

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Getting settled

Ok – so I'm new to this blogging thing – but even I realise that we have taken way too long to update. Guess I was hoping the first update would be filled with exciting news about our plans all coming together – but alas -  we are still in a limbo period – hoping, praying, trusting that all our efforts will prove fruitful.
But the last few weeks have been a great adventure. Istanbul was amazing – what a  culture rich city...filled with exciting sights, sounds smells....and a generally warm and welcoming people. (can you tell we had a great time?) Ezra loved it too – he took in the views from the backpack like a travelling pro. What a great kid we have! For those who haven't checked them out yet – we got photos uploaded on facebook.
Our time in the USA has been good. Quincy flew out to San Francisco a couple days after our arrival -  to interview with a number of firms  - and we still waiting to hear back. We really trusting in one in particular  - but we persuing all other leads in the interim.
It has been great seeing Ezra get to know his other grandparents. (Although he no doubt misses the ones in Knysna!) We are slowly exploring Austin and the surrounding areas – and it is amazing to be here after what seems like years of talking about it.
We celebrated our first official thanksgiving last thursday – and are still making our way through the leftovers (I am eating pecan pie as I write this update!) Ezra tucked into his first turkey leg (again – pics on facebook)  and it was a great time to connect with Emily and David (Quincy's sister and her husband).
Speaking of siblings – we planning on heading to Phoenix, Arizona next week to spend some time with my brother and sister in law...and Ezra's cousins Ethan and Paige. I think the change of scenery will do us all good and I figure why not overstay your welcome with all family who offer us a haven!

Jokes aside though this has been a tough couple weeks for the Crow family. We learning how to communicate, how to cope with being out of our element, and how to each other and the God who keeps the roof over our heads and food in our bellies. What a mighty God he is! I have no doubt that in a couple month we will look back on this time and wonder what all the stress was about...but for now....those months seem a long way week seems a long way about we take it day by day!

Keep us in prayer – and we will keep you updated.

Much love
Wendy (for the Crow family)

Monday, October 26, 2009

The First Post

The first post is always the difficult one.  I know that I'm looking forward to seeing the words in the template I've chosen and hearing feedback from friends and family--That's the novely of a blog.  I know the hard work comes when you don't get feedback and you haven't updated in 3,4, 16 weeks...Then this blogging thing turns into a hassle. So, for you the reader--please comment on the blog...and yes for us the writers (Wendy, Quincy, and Ezra) we'll keep you updated.  Look for photos on Facebook--I'll put stuff up every so often...